anim-wdk-x.gif (8903 bytes)

Clip Art
Sound Bytes
Petz Banners
Dogz Clip Art Catz Clip Art Petz Combos arw_red_r.gif (57 bytes) Cool Toyz

title-clip.gif (580 bytes)title-line2.gif (101 bytes)titles-line.gif (6773 bytes)

Cool Toyz - Little Toyz
To use any of these Toyz images on your web page, just right-click on the images you want and copy them to your web site graphics folder! You can find these images inside your Petz Web Fun Pack "ClipArt" folder.
toycar.gif (2828 bytes) ball2.gif (549 bytes) musicbox.gif (2391 bytes) chewtoy.gif (1777 bytes)
catzdancer.gif (946 bytes) PaintCan_Brush.GIF (2122 bytes) autoball.gif (471 bytes) jingle.gif (743 bytes)
disk.gif (614 bytes) brush.gif (528 bytes) yarn.gif (679 bytes)

frisbee1.gif (1149 bytes)

flowers.gif (1728 bytes) butrfly02.GIF (457 bytes) butrfly01.GIF (536 bytes)

red-ball.gif (509 bytes)

bone2.gif (222 bytes)

water.gif (1072 bytes)

food.gif (1219 bytes) green-bowl.gif (1098 bytes)
bones.gif (1355 bytes) chktreat.gif (1690 bytes) treat-meat.gif (1272 bytes) hcandy.gif (3214 bytes)
mouse2.gif (1838 bytes)
The Mouse isn't exactly one of the Petz Toyz, but try convincing your Catz of that little fact!

About PF.Magic, Inc.

© 1998 Mindscape, Inc., a division of The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.